
前幾天帶著父親去醫院見了20幾年沒見的奶奶....插了管 不能說話的她 ....

上一代的恩恩怨怨 不勝唏噓.....

這幾天也總是常常沒來由的覺得lonely  ~  sa bi shi i ... (係日文啦)

這情緒總是有週期性的  好一陣子就來侵襲一次  像是怕我忘記自己也是個凡夫俗女似的 

要來提醒我別忘了去享受這種忘了自己身在何處的感覺  要我別再強顏歡笑了....

誰說吵的小孩就有糖吃  沒糖吃只好吃自己了 嗚.....

去買杯CITY CAFE來陪伴好了 或是再買隻Q比娃娃來相陪....


在公主徹夜未眠裡  杜蘭朵公主出了一個考題給王子


答案是 ~ 兩個字     也就是我最近想到又拿出來重聽的歌曲:

希望    ( 亂彈是我最喜歡的國內搖滾樂團  找不到試聽mv  就po歌詞吧)
作詞:陳泰翔 作曲:陳泰翔

飛奔吧!希望在無邊裡飄渺 我仍感覺不到其中的橋
人與人互動之間是有巧妙 我仍感受不到有什麼訣竅
清清楚楚看著你 我必需假裝是你 迷迷糊糊的日子仍在神遊中徜徉

紛飛吧 我的希望 真實的心腸 一切都明朗
紛飛吧 我的希望 真實的心腸 一切都明朗   
紛飛吧 我的希望 真實的心腸 一切都明朗


另有一首  可以在沮喪時振奮我心 給我希望的西洋老歌  提醒我永遠不要忘了還有更美好的事....

喬治班森 GEORGE BENSON ~  Never Give Up On A Good Thing

試聽  http://youtube.com/watch?v=1NhZEY1-oDc 

Never give up on a good thing
Remember what makes you happy [Whoa, whoa]
Never give up on a good thing
If love is what you got, you've got a lot

Money's tight, he's workin' every night
It ain't easy to keep the flame alive
And when he finally comes home to ya
He's just too tired to do the things you want to

You can't help but wonder to yourself
How would it be with someone else
Just keep in mind, every storm ends in time
Love is forever, stay together

[Stay together] When you got something real
[Love forever] That you may never feel again

Never give up on a good thing
Remember what makes you happy [Whoa, whoa]
Never give up on a good thing
If love is what you got, you've got a lot

Now you're the man, you've got to understand
She don't mean to make a scene
Like you, she feels all the weight you're under
And when she breaks, is it any wonder

I know sometimes it crosses your mind
To get on out and stay hard to find
Before you try, you'd better look in her eyes
Love is forever, stay together

[Stay together] You've got something real
[Love forever] That you may never feel again
[You've got a lot]

[Stay together]
[Love forever]
You've got something real
That you may never feel again

Never give up on a good thing
Remember what makes you happy [Oh, oh]
Never give up on a good thing
If love is what you got, you've got a lot

Don't give up your good thing
Don't give it, oh, don't, oh, oh
Don't give up your good thing
Please don't, oh, don't
Don't live it up, don't give it up

Never give up on a good thing
Remember what makes you happy [Oh, oh]
Never give up on a good thing
If love is what you got, you've got a lot

Never give up on a good thing [Oh, he's all you need]
Remember what makes you happy [Whoa, whoa]
Never give up on a good thing
If love is what you got, you've got a lot

Never give up on a good thing [Oh, he's all you need]
Remember what makes you happy [Whoa, oh]
Never give up on a good thing


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